The global increase in population, the increase in energy and environmental costs, in the production of raw materials, the increasing levels of pollution, the damage caused by climate change, increasingly require a "closed cycle" approach to satisfy needs.

The amount of resources needed for human activities must be found more and more within those existing and available, that is, transforming and reusing goods and materials that reached the end of their useful life.

Making the circular economy an integral part of society and corporate culture, a culture that considers waste a failure of the system and encourages the reuse of products and recycling of materials.

Everything can find a "second life", what is traditionally considered "rejection" then becomes a real "resource".

First of all it is important to be aware of the need for change, an awareness that must be shared, inclusive and that needs the right communication and training.

OFFICINE MARIO DORIN that for thirty years, celebrated in 2021, invests in useful technologies to evolve the business in a logic of sustainability and that first believed in the use of a natural refrigerant, sustainable, as the CO2, has obtained, with the new CD600 range, a prestigious award, by ENI spa and CONFINDUSTRIA (Italian Manufacturers' Association), as Best Performer of the Circular Economy.

An important recognition for Italian companies, that have taken actions aimed at developing a business model in view of the transition, towards a "green economy".

The investment that DORIN has dedicated and continues to devote to the development of innovative technologies, has in fact allowed it to achieve very important results, so as to be able to realize a range of large compressors CO2, the largest available on the market, capable of achieving and enhancing the high levels of efficiency required and necessary for the supply of large industrial plants.

Based on a 6-cylinder design, the CD600 range, which includes 14 models up to 100 hp and 98.58 m3/h (soon up to 102.4 m3/h at 50 Hz) stands out for being a highly efficient product, with the lowest level of GWP (equal to 1), sustainable, able to guarantee high levels of energy efficiency and to offer a valid alternative to ammonia solutions, until now mainly used for industrial applications.

DORIN has demonstrated, once again, to strongly believe in the circular economy and the fundamental contribution that it can assure to the ecological transition of the national productive system; the award confirms that DORIN made the right choice, 30 years ago.

What in 1991 seemed far from the real needs, today is primary need and priority demand of the market.

The goal of making the concepts of sustainability, of circular economy of environmental protection, as an integral part of our society is in fact today a priority and DORIN is ready, offering the best sustainable solutions, suitable for any type of application.

As Leonardo Da Vinci said:

"Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else"

Merry Christmas and Happy 2022
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