No. cylinders80
Displacement @ 50 Hz91,00[m³/h]3
Displacement @ 60 Hz109,2[m³/h]4
Suction valve54 s.[mm]5
Discharge valve42 s.[mm]6
Oil charge8,5[L]7
Net weight346.0[kg]8

A - Oil sight glass
B - Oil charge plug
C - Low pressure connection
D - High pressure connection
E - Oil drain plug
F - Crankcase heater
H - Oil pressure tap
M - Max. discharge temperature sensor
P - Oil differential pressure switch
Q - Gas equalisation
DL - Discharge service valve
SL - Suction service valve
LPSV - LP safety valve
HPSV - HP safety valve

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CO2 Subcritical Semihermetic Compressors 1LTZ017_CDS_09.24.pdf
Operating Instructions CD Compressors 1LTG665-14.pdf
Declaration of Incorporation Semi-hermetic Compressors CO2 1LTG910_06_DI_SCC_CDS_CD.pdf
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